Best Buy Geek Squad Finds Child Porn on Teacher’s Computer

Many computer owners rely on help from outside services to keep their computers up and running. When a laptop needs to be serviced for some reason, many people use Best Buy’s Geek Squad services. Geek Squad has a policy that requires that employees report illegal images to authorities. Employees had to abide by this law in the summer of 2019 when they found child porn on a Florida teacher’s computer.
A 69-year-old man from Wesley Chapel brought in his laptop to Best Buy’s Geek Squad in Pasco County so it could be serviced. An employee was scanning the laptop when he saw an image of a child engaging in a sex act. The employee informed his supervisor at Best Buy, who contacted the authorities.
This is the process that Geek Squad employees must follow. When they discover child porn while working on a computer, they must let their supervisor know. The supervisor may then contact law enforcement. Customers are informed of this policy prior to service, so the man was well aware of the potential consequences of allowing Geek Squad employees access to his laptop.
The man, a teacher at John Long Middle School, was subsequently arrested at the school. However, he had resigned from his teaching job prior to the arrest. The man faces 10 counts of possession of child pornography, which is a felony. He admitted to knowing about the images on his laptop. He was scheduled to be in court on January 9. A spokeswoman for the school district stated that the district as a whole is “disappointed and disgusted” about the child porn charges.
How Child Porn Charges Can Affect You
Child porn charges are no laughing matter. They are taken quite seriously and often charged at both the state and federal levels. They tend to be felony crimes, which result in hefty fines and many years in prison. Many of those who are arrested for child porn charges have no prior criminal history. They have never been in trouble with the law. Many are upstanding citizens who are married and have children.
When a person is facing felony charges, they are stripped of their rights. They can no longer own a firearm. They may be forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life. They may lose their job. Housing may be difficult to find. They may be shunned in their community. Many aspects of their lives are impacted.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
When a person downloads child porn onto a computer, there is a chance the images could be found by a third party. People need to be aware of this fact, especially if they are explicitly allowing someone else to look at their electronic devices.
Child porn possession and distribution are crimes that are taken very seriously. Seek legal help right away by contacting Florida child pornography lawyer Gilbert A. Schaffnit. He can provide you with a solid defense. Schedule a free consultation by calling (352) 505-1799 or filling out the online form.