Florida Teacher Faces Child Porn Charges

It can be shocking as well as confusing for children to learn that their teacher has been arrested on child porn charges. Children look up to teachers and other adults and it can be devastating to hear that they have been accused of a crime—particularly one involving children.
A third grade teacher in Florida was recently accused of child pornography possession. The 47-year-old man from Pasco County was recently arrested for 10 child porn charges.
The man admitted to accessing child porn from his cell phone. He claimed that he had been using the internet for the past several years to watch child porn on his mobile device. He had worked for Pasco County Schools since 2014 and was most recently a third grade teacher at Watergrass Elementary School. He was arrested on May 1 and resigned from his teaching position the following day. Staff and parents at the school have been notified of his arrest.
Defenses to Child Porn Possession
Child porn charges are very serious in nature. Many people can face state and federal charges and spend many years in jail. Therefore, those accused of such crimes need a solid defense in order to reduce or eliminate their charges. Here are some commonly used defenses:
- Material does not belong to the person. When a person shares a computer with others, it can be hard to determine who exactly downloaded the pornographic material. Detectives will investigate to find out who the culprit is, but they are not always right. Plus, some people download illegal photos and videos onto computers as a form of revenge. For example, a spouse might do this in a nasty divorce battle.
- Lack of intent. It’s possible that the child porn was downloaded accidentally. Many child porn websites mimic popular sites, and inadvertently typing the wrong letter in a URL can lead someone to a site they did not intend to visit. If the person can prove this, then they can get their charges cleared.
- Actors in the material are over the age of 18. Many women look younger than their actual age, while some look much older. Therefore, it can sometimes be hard for viewers to tell if they are watching adult porn or child porn. If it can be proven that the actors in the photos or videos are adults over the age of 18, then the person’s charges can be dropped, since viewing and possessing adult porn is not illegal.
Contact a Legal Professional for Help
People from all backgrounds have developed addictions to child porn. Even trusted adults such as teachers and police officers have faced child porn charges. When a person cannot keep their addiction under control, it can lead to criminal charges.
Reduce your charges or eliminate them altogether with help from Florida child pornography lawyer Gilbert A. Schaffnit. Child porn and other sex crimes are punished harshly. We can protect your legal rights and help you understand the options available. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling (352) 505-1799.